Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Locke "Of Words"

Our next reading will be from John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. It will be chapters 1-3 of Book III. Hard copies of the book are available in the library and are dirt cheap to purchase. Here are two online sources:

John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Book III: Chapter 1.

There is a link at the bottom of the above to subsequent chapters. Remember that you only need to read the first three.

One notable feature of the above is that it is in the language of the original, i.e., English circa 1690. If, like me, you find philosophy difficult enough to read without also contending with the language barrier, you may appreciate the following link:

Locke translated by Jonathan Bennett.

Jonathan Bennett, a philosophy professor emeritus from Syracuse University, has kindly translated English texts by early modern philosophers into immanently readable contemporary English. Reading either version is acceptable; like I said, the first is the original and the second is easier (for me). And remember, you only need to read the first three chapters.

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